Mini MADE: Scripture Excavation

This content originally appeared in the 2013 session of the MADE art ecourse.  In this workshop, we investigate how to combine Bible study with art journaling using a method that I call scripture excavation. I enjoy using scripture as a both literal and figurative foundation for my art creations, and we'll be doing both of these things as we learn about scripture excavation and I demonstrate the inductive Bible study method. You are welcome to follow this method to whatever degree works for you – I tend to be more informal, but you can be more true to the method or use it as more of a springboard. This workshop is what you make of it. Take what you need, and leave the rest.

Part 1:

Part 2:

Part 3:

Part 4:

PDF (click to open + download):
home/made_bethmorey/ Excavation.pdf

A shorter version:

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― J.R.R. Tolkien, The Return of the King