Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Tasting and Creating Ice Cream

I am not a great blog events participant. Take Taste&Create, for example. In this recurring event, food bloggers are paired up and required to make a recipe off of their partner's site. I was paired with the lovely Laurie of Mediterranean Cooking in Alaska. She tried out my carrot ginger soup, while I . . . completely forgot about the event. Oops.

Thankfully, Laurie is super sweet and politely reminded me of my participation. Meandering through her blog, I found several recipes I'd like to try out, quite a few of which involve scrambled egg variations. In the end, though, I decided to try something that I've never done before -- ice cream. I recently inherited an ice cream maker from my good friend and wanted to test it out. So I set out to prepare Laurie's pomegranate ice cream.

I fiddled with the recipe a little bit, of course. I omitted the liqueur because I didn't have any on hand. I also used some skim and some vanilla yogurt because that's what I had lying around and didn't want to purchase cream as the rest would probably just go to waste. Also, I used pomegranate blueberry acai juice instead of just plain pomegranate.

The recipe yielded a really yummy result in terms of taste. However, my ice cream maker was not quite able to turn the ingredients into a product that was of ice cream consistency. I think I fiddled too much this time around. Double oops. The ice cream was pretty runny, so I froze it for a bit and then enjoyed it. It was very light, delicately sweet, and perfect for summer. Not that that stopped the Best Husband Ever and I from eating it while snow came down outside.

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