Saturday, February 27, 2010

Be Aware, and Ask

Did you know that today is the end of National Eating Disorders Awareness Week? I just learned about this event yesterday, and I think it's great. As a recovering/recovered disordered eater (or non-eater, as the case may be), I really appreciate this week-long event. For me, a great deal of the damage of my eating disorder originated in the secrecy surrounding the sickness. Once I started being honest and open with trustworthy friends and family, the power of the eating disorder began to fade. I wasn't immediately cured, but "coming out" about my battle with anorexia not only gave me courage to keep fighting, but also the blessings of praying friends, added support, and loving accountability.

In the spirit of honesty, healing, and the power of information, I started up a Formspring account where you can ask me anything, anonymously. I'd love to answer your questions about my personal experiences with eating disorders (I'm not a licensed professional, just an ex-anorexic still fighting the good fight for health) as well as other random queries. I of course reserve the right to NOT answer questions that I feel are inappropriate or too invasive, or that the Best Husband Ever and I don't want to share about. I am, however, standing by to answer questions about my favorite books and films, our dogs, good (and bad!) eats, and rats (yes, rats . . . intrigued? confused? just ask!), in addition to eating disorder-related queries.

Fun, right? I think (and hope . . .) so! Ask away by visiting my new Formspring page, or check out the handy green widget on my sidebar.

While you're web surfing, be sure to check out these awesome eating disorder resource sites:
Happy Saturday!

(FYI -- in case you were wondering, I took this photo [top] on April 2, 2008. It is the result of an EKG test showing that I had an extremely low heart rate. Shortly following the test, my doctors referred me to the Best Therapist Ever, who helped save my life. I am realizing more and more how blessed I am to have had her on my side. Not every person being treated for an ED can say the same of their therapists and doctors. All that to say thank you to my amazing therapist, and to continue to proclaim that ED healing is possible. Keep fighting, my friends!)


  1. Hi there! Thanks for checking out my blog :)I am enjoying reading yours! I would love to hear about your rats...

  2. So you've jumped on the bandwagon, too! :-) I'm interested to hear your answers on all the questions ppl are gonna ask.I'm so glad that you're well on your way to recovery...there may be some holdbacks, but nothing is impossible in the Lord!


"I am glad you are here with me."
― J.R.R. Tolkien, The Return of the King