Monday, August 10, 2009

Buzz, Buzz

Have you been wondering where I disappeared to, blogosphere? Perhaps not, but I'll explain nonetheless. I have not gone anywhere, but I've been keeping quite busy. Busy, one might say, as a bee. (That's my rationale behind this post's stretch of a title. Ahem.) The start of the school year is only a few short weeks away, so I began to prepare my nifty new office where I'll be serving as an elementary school's family outreach specialist. I am so excited!

This weekend was packed with other happenings as well. On Saturday I took an 8:00 AM spinning class at the Y (which rocked, by the way). Then the Best Husband Ever and I managed to go to the farmer's market, make a Costco run, stop by a bicycle shop and GoodWill, study Romans, and attend our friends' wedding. And Sunday seemed even more busy! We went to church, visited my in-laws (who rock as well), went to another bicycle shop so the hubby could get more tools, signed two of the pups up for Petsmart training classes, and did yard work. I mowed the entire property, and he began to set up the invisible fence we're going to try to contain our amazing jumping canine with. Whew!

Today was perhaps even more productive for me, involving my morning God time, a massive house-cleaning effort (bathroom, windows, vacuuming, mopping, and dishes all in one go!), and then some errands. So can you forgive me for missing two days of blogging? I'll make it up to you. Watch for a an exciting guest post in the near future. It will be written by one of the men in my life, and he's not the Best Husband Ever. Can you guess who the mystery blogger will be?

1 comment:

  1. wow, you have been busy. the office looks nice!


"I am glad you are here with me."
― J.R.R. Tolkien, The Return of the King