Sunday, March 1, 2009

Morning Eats From the Week

Look! This blogger is alive! Sorry that I've been rather delinquent in my writing of late, but I needed a break. Nothing serious, I just needed to catch my breath a little in terms of blogging. Now that I've taken a step back, I'm hopping right (I first wrote "write"!) back in with a run down of my breakfasts from the week.

I really enjoy breakfast. It hasn't always been so with me, however. Growing up, I slowly transitioned from neutral breakfast feelings to detesting it so much that by my later college years I stopped eating breakfast foods altogether. Now I've somehow swapped that thinking for the opposite -- I can't get enough of breakfast! Cereal, bagels, yogurt, smoothies, waffles, pancakes, eggs -- if it's ever eaten in the morning, I inevitably find myself craving it. Here are what I've been fueling up with on this past week's mornings.

Sunday: You've already met this fizzle of a breakfast. Sigh.

Monday: I love yogurt/cereal/banana bowls. This particular blend is tropical in theme. It has 1 mixed cup of Banana Nut Cheerios and Annie's Honey Bunnies, pineapple chunks, 1 sliced banana, 1 (8 oz.) Fage 2% Greek yogurt, and a smattering of Just Tropical Treats.

Tuesday: Having heard so much about oat bran through the blog-vine, I decided to hop on the oat bran band wagon (try saying that 5 times fast!). In a stove top saucepan I cooked 1/3 cup bran with 2/3 cup water, 1 sliced banana, 1 T Jungle Banana peanut butter, and 1/4 cup fat free cottage cheese. I enjoyed eating a warm breakfast for once, but I'm not very comfortable with the cooking process yet. I was surprised at how quickly it was ready! Next time I will save the cottage cheese and peanut butter to stir in at the end. This breakfast was fairly filling and tasty.

Wednesday: A Mess O' Potassium cereal bowl with 1 mixed cup of Banana Nut Cheerios and Honey Rice Puffins, 1 sliced banana, and 1 T CocoaBanana peanut butter. These bowls are one of my favorite breakfasts because they're easy, healthy, and protein-y. Oh, and did I mention that they're incredibly delicious?

Thursday: I've had a remnant of blueberry flax granola hanging around the pantry for quite some time, so I decided to use it up. This breakfast nearly finished it, although not quite. I mixed 3/4 cup of granola with 1 (6 oz). vanilla nonfat Chobani Greek yogurt. I also had half of a grapefruit on the side. The grapefruit and yogurt didn't quite mix, but the grapefruit have been lingering even longer than the granola and needed to be eaten!

Friday: The messy yogurt bowl returned! This bowl had 1 mixed cup of the very last of the blueberry granola, Annie's Honey Bunnies, and Honey Rice Puffins, 1 sliced banana, and 1 (8 oz.) 2% Fage Greek yogurt. This guy was ultra-filling, for some reason.

Saturday: Huzzah for weekend treat days! The Best Husband Ever and I headed to a local bakery for some yummies. I got a lemon cream scone and an Americano coffee. Munching on his usual caramel roll, the husband then proceeded to beat me in our Scrabble game by a resounding 200-ish points. Ouch.

So there you have it -- a whole week of morning eats! I hope that this inspires you to try adding something new to your breakfast repertoire, or to return to a forgotten old favorite. I have such a good time around with my morning food, and breakfast can be so versatile! Do you have any breakfast standbys, staples, or new-fangled concoctions? Do tell! I'm always up for more breakfast fuel fun.

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