Saturday, October 18, 2008

To Market, One Last Time

Today was a special Saturday. The Best Husband Ever and I visited the very last farmer's market of the season. How sad! No more locally grown beet purchases, no more visiting the bean sprouts ladies, no more cheese sampling, no more market baked treats until next summer. I will miss it! However, it is getting a bit nippy outside, and the weather over the past few weekends inspired many vendors and patrons alike to forgo the market in favor of indoor activities. In fact, today the hubby and I enjoyed our treats -- a Break cinnamon roll for him, and a Black Cat Bake Shop brioche cinnamon roll for me -- nestled inside Break Espresso, reading the paper and chatting about politics and the economy. It was quite cozy!

I don't know that we'll alter our sweet Saturday indulgence, though, as I have my eye on more indoors-y baked conquests, such as the new branch of Le Petite Outre that just opened this week, or Posh Chocolat, a chocolate shop that not only specializes in artisan truffles but also serves up crepes, sandwiches, and salads. Who knows what culinary adventures await as fall and winter spin through the city! One thing I know for certain, though. I will miss the farmer's market, and look forward to its return with the warm weather next year. Thanks for another tasty season, Farmer's Market!

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